Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is for you Mom!

Dear Mom,
I know you want to see pictures of me, but these are the kinds of shots I get of myself. Not the most flattering. Kids hanging on me, droopey eyes, hair that I didn't have time to fix before church and no time for pretty poses with out someone going blurry. But I guess that is where I am right now, isn't it? This is the time of my life, right? Funny thing is that is what the message was all about on Sunday. Really focusing on the moment instead of wishing for something else. It was on Philippians 4 which is what one of the pastor's at Matt's school gave us to think about when I was so stressed while I was pregnant with Beatrix. Not worrying about tomorrow! Good advice. So here are some pictures for you Mom and anyone else who may be looking at these. Be kind! I am tired and boy do I look it!
I Love and Miss You...Enjoy!
Your sleep deprived but happy daughter,

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I call Philippians 4 the "Mental Health Chapter" because it has so much good advice for staying sane!