Sunday, April 20, 2008

pottys and other dances

last night matt and i were chaperones at the prom. we did it last year, but this year was the first year that the principal (in the history of the school) wasn't going to be there. so matt and i were asked last week to be the chaperones to watch all of these kids. oh yeah, did i mention that they had a high school prom with high schoolers at a HOTEL!? people are crazy.

anyway, while we were gone dancing the night away and breaking up make out sessions, micah was home with our babysitter amanda. when we got home we were telling amanda about our night and then we asked how micah did. "well", she says "he watched cars and we played with cars while we watched the movie. we had mac and cheese and strawberries, he really ate alot. then he took a bath and when he was almost done he asked for diego. so i put him on the diego potty and he went potty. then we read books..." "wait, wait, wait a minute", matt interupts, "what do you mean he went on the potty?" amanda says, "he sat on the potty, pushed his pee pee down and everything and went tinkle in the potty. doesn't he do that?" (matt and i are looking at each other speechless.) i swallow and say, "he's never gone in the potty... our son just trained himself while we were out at prom." matt looks at me and says, "whose diego?" i laughed and told him. matt says, "good thing you were here amanda i would have had no clue what micah was talking about." yeah, i thought to myself good thing amanda was here to witness a milestone, cause his parents were at a dance thankful that our little baby was a long way from here. come home to find out not that far, after all sitting on the potty is the first step.


Anna said...

Does Micah have his first crush!? It sounds like it!

Anna said...

I forgot to ask, did he name his little toilet!?

Andrea said...

Yea Micah! I'm sorry you had to miss it, though. Noah is so back and forth with the potty...sometimes it's a go and sometimes he could care less about it. =)