Monday, August 23, 2010

turning 5

As if I wasn't emotional enough Micah also turned 5 on the first day of school. Me and my tear stained face got home and started making the cupcakes to take back to his class at 2:00.
Bea and I stopped to get Micah some dinosaur balloons.
The class had been celebrating him all day.
It was weird seeing his name all over the room. Like here at his table...
and here...
and here.
When he came in from being outside he went straight to his table and said "Oh, mama! These are AWESOME!!!" I couldn't stop grinning.
His classmates thought they were pretty cool too!
My five year old little man!
His table mates enjoying their cupcakes.
His class... The lady in orange is the principle Mrs. Ansell. And the lady in the pink is Micah's teacher Mrs. Scott. It was a fun day of celebration. When we all got home from school he opened his presents and we had dinner, took baths and he and Beatrix were in bed by 7:00 and asleep by 7:15. It was a fun day for him, but he was pretty wiped out!
Happy Birthday Micah!!!

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