Wednesday, September 24, 2008

They call him Flipper...Lounge Singer Style

So the funny thing about this is Micah picked this up at the library yesterday and could not be talked out of getting it. I tried to convince him it was old, dated, totally sexist, but my stubborn little man would hear nothing of it and simply looked at me saying, "No mommy, I want the dolphin movie...what's his name?" "Flipper honey" "Yeah, I want to go home and watch Flipper, he swims under water. He doesn't have teeth that will bite me like a shark. He's a dolphin." So I bring the movie home thinking he will forget all about it. No he loves this show. Hopefully he won't catch on to too much of it because man is it ever politcally WRONG! Hahaha! Enjoy the theme song. I had to print out the lyrics tonight from Goggle so that he and Matt could sing it together while Micah was in the bathtub. Where do they get these ideas from?

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