Saturday, April 21, 2012


easter was a beautiful day. 
the service was wonderful and the singing was joyous. upon entering the sanctuary, the scent from the lilies surrounding the pulpit overwhelmed me. this year matt really wanted to purchase a lily for finn and one for his grandma that passed away this year, finn's namesake.
 after church, while i was working on lunch and getting dinner ready, the kids and matt took advantage of the warm weather and got in our, to me, frigid pool. i called matt's parents and talked to his dad while they were in there. he told me it was cold in michigan. i had to rub it in a bit.
 beatrix brought this bucket over by her boys so she could join them. 
we thought it was pretty cute.
 pips and i joined them for a few minutes.
 and right before we went inside matt spied this little visitor. our first one spied at the new house. many more to come i am sure. 
 later after great naps by all, our friend lisa and her daughter morgan joined us for dinner. it was wonderful having them with us. as much as i love my little family i really adore sharing our holiday with friends.
 lisa thoughtfully brought gifts for the kids. she brought a movie for bea and micah and for the little peanut she brought her an easter outfit.
the backside was the cutest!
for the record we enjoyed easter dinner to the lovely sounds of the tigers baseball game. ah, sweet traditions. at least matt did dishes while he was listening to the game. we were sitting around the table while he was cleaning up, talking and i asked morgan to go outside and hide some easter eggs, pretty stealthily i might add. the kids were none the wiser. i had spent nap time filling the kids' eggs from last year with their candy from the egg hunt the day before. talk about thrifty! later micah asked me when i had gone outside to hide the eggs. i looked him right in the eye and said, "buddy i didn't hide the eggs!"

 morgan did an amazing job of hiding them in some really fun places!
it took the kids awhile to find them all.

 i love these two pictures so much. i pray that they remain close like this their whole lives. 
when they do argue i will be that mother that pulls these pictures out and says, remember when you loved each other like crazy?

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